
Using Git with MarkUs

If you've taken , you've probably realized that . Distributed version control systems like are better in , but unfortunately we're stuck with Subversion until .

Don't lose hope though, because you can still use Git locally with a Subversion remote thanks to []:

Clone your MarkUs repository

You can either clone your entire Subversion repository (e.g. ), or each subdirectory individually (e.g. ). I prefer to clone each directory individually:

(Use your own CDF username and group ID in place of g3name and group_xxxx).

# Go to where you keep your CSC369 assignments
cd path/to/csc369
# Use git-svn to clone the repository
git svn clone --username=g3name https://markus.cdf.toronto.edu/svn/csc369-2014-09/group_xxxx/a1

You'll see output similar to the following. Just type p when prompted to accept the certificate, and enter your password when prompted.

Initialized empty Git repository in path/to/csc369/a1/.git/
Error validating server certificate for 'https://markus.cdf.toronto.edu:443':
- The certificate is not issued by a trusted authority. Use the
fingerprint to validate the certificate manually!
Certificate information:
- Hostname: markus.cdf.toronto.edu
- Valid: from Fri, 11 Apr 2014 00:00:00 GMT until Sat, 11 Apr 2015 23:59:59 GMT
- Issuer: COMODO CA Limited, Salford, Greater Manchester, GB
- Fingerprint: 3d:68:3e:94:9b:07:31:50:91:7a:3e:f9:9c:99:d8:82:22:6f:e7:4e
Certificate problem.
(R)eject, accept (t)emporarily or accept (p)ermanently? p
Authentication realm: <https://markus.cdf.toronto.edu:443> MarkUs Subversion Repository
Password for 'g3name':
r2 = 90f73ae3dc816ef55ab6b7becbb839f7c819529f (refs/remotes/git-svn)
A .gitignore
A list_driver.c
A list_sync.c
A list.c
A Makefile
A list.h
A list_handoff.c
Checked out HEAD:
https://markus.cdf.toronto.edu/svn/csc369-2014-09/group_xxxx/a1 r2

That's all the setup necessary! Now you can enter your new Git repository and use Git normally:

cd a1/
git status
On branch master
nothing to commit, working directory clean

Interact with a Subversion server

It's well worth reading the official , but here's a quick primer on how to commit changes to and receive updates from the Subversion server:

Commit to Subversion

git svn dcommit

This will take your new local Git commits, do a Subversion commit for each, then rewrite (i.e. rebase) your local Git commits to include a unique identifier.

Update with remote changes

git svn rebase

This will fetch new changes from the Subversion server, place them into your local Git history, and replay your un-pushed, local Git commits on top of the new changes.